Monday, August 27, 2012

Extensions for City Projects Hitting a Brick Wall

Adelaide Office Change

The Mega scale developments might just end of in the bin because the Adelaide city council is refusing to give time extensions. The state Government has altered their guidelines and is unfortunately using these new measures to brick wall previously approved projects, forcing major developers to submit new applications. The clerical costs alone are adding up to millions.

What kind of cost is this going to have on the economy? What kind of cost will this have on the jobs in an already shaky economic environment. Do we really want to stump business development with Bureaucratic tape at a time when growth is essential to the recovery of the  South Australian and greater Australian economy.

Surely the main aim of  the state government should be supporting and aiding development and the growth of large scale projects to booster the economy back into health as opposed to doing the exact opposite. "A city without change is a city for the dead" Leonard Raymond, A Rich City, A Richer Economy.

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