Thursday, February 16, 2012

Avoiding the environmental impact caused by disposing of redundant office furniture and fit out

The Challenge

Potential solid waste resulting from disposal of redundant office furniture and fit out is now widely acknowledged as a significant environmental challenge.

Our Response

Egans have developed an environmental stewardship program to address this growing problem. The program is hierarchical and the completion of each stage gives the go ahead for the next. It can be scaled to accommodate individual products through to large consignments of office assets.

We manage the disposal of commercial assets for corporations and government departments who have an interest in an environmental as well as a financial outcome.

Egans environmental stewardship program operates with the following three hierarchical levels:

1. Reuse

“The best form of recycling is reuse.”

Egans manages office furniture and fit out for clients through logistics, storage and asset tracking, allowing businesses to have their office assets at their fingertips when required. We facilitate our clients in dynamically reusing their assets as opposed to the costly and environmentally irresponsible habit of throwing out the old and buying new.

2. Resale

If our client has no immediate or foreseeable requirement for office furniture or fit out we put those assets to market in an attempt to extend their operational life. Multi-level selling platforms including traditional and online auctions allows for the highest possible financial return as well as providing a large volume option. Our process includes meticulous and transparent reporting for our clients. We don't predict the outcome but we guarantee the process.

3. Recycle

In circumstances where no interest is shown from the market (including charity) we engage our split-waste recycle approach. This results in maximisation of recycled soft plastics, hard plastics, glass, paper, cardboard, polystyrene, metals etc. We produce a report to our clients showing the percentage breakdown of each of these recyclables and this renders a percentage for landfill avoidance.

Call Marcus now on 0403 342 002 to discover how you can benefit from our inivative approaches.

Egans Adelaide
A Shift in Thinking

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